Kingdom Hearts Fanon Wiki

Xirbealg fights using with 2 of 5 keyblades and variations of light, dark, twilight, and Lighting magic. He mainly relies on Physical and Special Attacks in battle, though he can deal a lot of damage with magic attacks. He is also rather fast, making him hard to hit.

When very low on HP and accompanied by Axna, Xirbealg can activate a limit break, called Eternal Love.

Xirbealg can always use light, darkness, twilight and lightning magic, although he can equip special weapons and armor that can give him special abilities and spells.


Ability AP Cost MP Cost Description Damage
Light Recall 3 AP 20 MP Xirbealg hurls a sphere of light at an enemy, dealing elemental damage. 30
Homing Thunder 3 AP 20 MP Xirbealg shoots a homing Thunder spell which explodes at the enemy. 20 + Blizzard
Dark Terror 4 AP 30 MP Xirbealg covers both keyblades in a dark aura and does A flurry of air combos which ends with a powerful dark beam attack. 40 + Blizzard
Twilight's Dawn 10 AP All MP Xirbealg covers each of his keyblades in a light and dark aura and dashes across the area dealing damage to all enemies and finishes off with a light and dark beam attack.



Ability AP Cost MP Cost Description
Twilight's Blessing 3 AP 10 MP Enchants Xirbealg's keyblades. (+10 damage to all Twilightt based Attacks)
Null Darkness 1 AP 10 MP Nullifies one Dark attack.
Null Light 1 AP 10 MP Nullifies one Light attack.
Thunder Boost 4 AP 25 MP Increase the potential of Thunder capabilities. (+10 damage to Lightning-based Attacks)
Synch Blade 0 AP 0 MP Xirbealg's wields a second keyblade at the same time.


Ability AP Cost MP Cost Description Damage
Thunder,Thundera,Thunderaga 0 AP 5,10,15 MP This spell allows the caster to shoot Lightning-based magic at his opponents. Thunder shoots a single ray of lightning straight forward, Thundera shoots three homing rays, and Thunderaga shoots three homing rays which rapidity run into their target. 102030

Light Sphere

0 AP

10 MP Xirbealg hurls a small Light Sphere at the enemy dealing little but unavoidable damage 15

Dark Sphere
0 AP 10 MP Xirbealg hurls a small Darkness Sphere at the enemy that deals elemental damage. 30

Fire, Fira, Firaga
0 AP

5 ,10 ,15 MP

This spell allows the caster to shoot -based magic at his opponents. Fire shoots a single fire-ball straight forward, Fira shoots three homing fire-balls, and Firaga shoots three homing fire-balls which rapidity run into their target.




Drive Forms

Ability AP Cost MP Cost Description
Twilight Form 0 AP 0 MP

Xirbealg's most commonly used form. He grows 1 angel wing and 1 black wing and wields 2 keyblades as 2 float behind him. +10 damage to all light, dark, and twilight-based attacks.

Final Form 0 AP 0 MP Same as Sora's form.
Anti Form 0 AP 0 MP

Same as Sora's form.

Sharingan 0 AP 0 MP

The first of the Sharingan's powers is being able to see the enemy's energy flow.The Sharingan's second-most prominent ability grants the user an incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to easily recognize different forms of energy. This also allows the user to pick up on subtle details, enabling them to read lip movements or mimic something like pencil movements. As the Sharingan evolves, gaining more tomoe seals, this ability extends to being able to track fast-moving objects before finally giving some amount of predictive capabilities to the user. However, even though the user may be able to see an attack or know it is coming, their body may not have time to react. The Sharingan's third and most well-known ability is that it grants the user the ability to memorize any technique that he or she witnesses.

Mangekyo Sharingan 0 AP 0 MP The Mangekyo Sharingan has all the abilities of its lesser form but also gives the user access to powerful and forbidden techniques. The Mangekyo Sharingan is distinguished from a normal Sharingan through its appearance, which changes the form of the tomoe seal. Unlike in the case of the Sharingan, the appearance of the Mangekyo Sharingan differs from user to user. Over time, use of the Mangekyo Sharingan deteriorates the user's eyesight to the point of blindness

Limit Breaks

Ability AP Cost MP Cost Description Damage
Eternal Love 10 AP All MP Xirbealg and Axna stand back to back and hurl spheres of light and darkness at all enemies as well as slash with Oblivion, Oathkeeper, Way to the Dawn, and Kairi's keyblade(s). 150
Twilight's Dawn 10 AP All MP Xirbealg covers each of his keyblades in a light and dark aura and dashes across the area dealing damage to all enemies and finishes off with a light and dark beam attack.


50+Light 50+Darkness

Mangekyo Sharingan

Ability AP Cost MP Cost Description
Amaterasu 8 AP All MP Projects jet-black flames that instantly disintegrate anything it touches. The flames continue to spread and cannot be extinguished until the user closes or covers their right eye.
Tsukuyomi 8 AP All MP Tsukuyomi requires eye contact to be performed. When executed, this move traps the target in an illusionary world that is completely controlled by the user. While it only takes a few seconds to complete in the real world, the user can make it seem as if days have passed for the target. Depending on the user's whim, they can either torture their target for what seems like days on end, or make them relive a traumatic event over and over. When the jutsu ends the resultant psychological trauma will render the target unable to fight for an extensive period of time, and possibly suffer a complete mental breakdown.
Susanoo 8 AP All MP Creates a spiritual being that can seal energy into itself or creates an aura to protect the user.
Blaze Release: Kagutsuchi 15 AP All MP Shapes the inextinguishable black flames of Amaterasu into spikes that both shield the user as well as burn and pierce the opponent if they touch them. To protect himself from the flames Xirbealg summons Susanoo to create the protective aura around him.