Kingdom Hearts Fanon Wiki
Tiger Tanaka
Origin You Only Live Twice (1967)
Type Somebody
Role Supporting Character
Home World James Bond universe
Weapon Ninjato

Shurikens Pistol

Status Alive

Tiger Tanaka is James Bond's Asian contact during his time in Japan, and head of the Japan Secret Service.


After mentions from Dikko Henderson, Tiger is first met when Sora, James Bond and their allies accidentally stumble into his chambers. On a train ride, the group show the photos Bond had acquired from Osato Chemicals and Engineering. While cleaning with Tanaka, he suggests that the group meet Osato tomorrow. After a narrow escape, Bond suggest Tanaka call M to send him the Little Nellie. Once the volcano is observed, and Osato chemicals is raided, a Russian spacecraft is stolen by Bird 1. In order to counteract the evil Blofeld was planning, Bond and his friends are trained to be ninjas. After the second U.S. spacecraft countdown starts, the heroes race to stop the potential WWIII. After Tiger and his crew breach the crater, a large battle ensues. Eventually, Sora and Bond stop Bird 1 by blowing it up, before it can compelte its mission. The volcano is then destroyed by Blofeld. After escape, Tiger thanks his friends for their service and hopes to work with them again in the future.
